師資人員   首頁師資人員專任教師

鍾雲吉 副教授 Chung, Yun-Chi
(Campus Extension)
E-mail: ycchung123@ncu.edu.tw

學經歷 (Education & Experiences)
  Academic Qualifications:
PhD in the College of Science and Engineering, University of Edinburgh, UK.
M.S. in Structural Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan.
B.S. in Civil Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan.

Professional Experience:
(1)Assistant professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
National Central University (2013-2017)
(2)Associate professor, Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering,
Nanya Institute of Technology (2010-2012)
(3)Associate professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Nanya Institute of Technology (2006-2009)
(4)Lecturer, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Nanya Institute of Technology (1991-2006)
(5)Associate Researcher, Organic Composites Laboratory, Materials Research Laboratory,
Industrial Technology Research Institute (1988-1990)

Software Development:
Copyright of COMFEM (Finite Element Analysis Software of Three Dimensional Composite Material Structures). Inventor: D.M. Chiang, R.H. Yu, Y.C. Chung and F.Y. Yeh. Owner: Industrial Technology Research Institute. (1989-2019)

Professional Qualifications:
(1) Professional Structural Engineer in Taiwan (2) Professional Civil Engineer in Taiwan (3) Professional Fire Protection Engineer in Taiwan

SCI Journal review:
(1) Powder Technology (2) Advanced Powder Technology (3) Granular Matter (4) Canadian Geotechnical Journal (5) Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers (6) Journal of Mechanics

教授課程 (Courses Taught)
  (1) Statics and Mechanics of Materials (2) Dynamics
(3) Finite element method (4) Discrete Element Method

研究專長 (Research Areas)
  (1) Discrete Element Method (DEM) (2) Joint DEM-FEM modelling (3) Combined DEM-CFD modelling (4) Coupled DEM-MBD modelling (5) Granular Mechanics (6) Solid Mechanics (7) Structural Mechanics  

實驗室 (Laboratory)
  Granular and Computational Mechanics Lab. (顆粒計算力學實驗室)  

論文著作 (Publications) (僅列出最近五筆資料) ※ 瀏覽更多論文著作
題目 作者姓名 期刊名稱 出版
Two-way coupled MBD–DEM modeling and experimental validation for the dynamic response of mechanisms containing damping particles Wu, Y.R., Chung, Y.C.*, Wang I.C. Mechanism and Machine Theory 2021 159, 104257 SCI
Comparative study of granular solid-structure interaction in a uni-axial compression system Ai J., Chung Y.C.* Advanced Powder Technology 2020 31, 2973-2990 SCI
Dynamic modeling of a gear transmission system containing damping particles using coupled multi-body dynamics and discrete element method Chung Y.C., Wu Y.R. Nonlinear Dynamics (Top 5 percent in Mechanics) 2019 98, 129-149 SCI
A rapid granular chute avalanche impinging on a small fixed obstacle: DEM modeling, experimental validation and exploration of granular stress Chung, Y.C.*, Wu, C.W., Kuo, C.Y., Hsiau, S.S. Applied Mathematical Modelling 2019 74, 540-568 SCI
DEM simulation and experimental validation for mechanical response of ellipsoidal particles under confined compression Lin, S.S., Chung, Y.C., Lin, C.K., Chen Y.C. Advanced Powder Technology 2018 29, 1292-1305 SCI

研究計畫 (Research Projects) (僅列出最近五筆資料) ※ 瀏覽更多研究計畫
工作類別 姓名 計畫名稱 執行期限 補助單位 金額
計畫主持人 鍾雲吉 以離散元素法與多體動力學耦合方法探討具阻尼顆粒機構系統的減振機制:實驗驗證與工程應用 2020-08-01 ~
科技部 904000
計畫主持人 鍾雲吉 載氧體在化學迴路反應器中之流動行為與多尺度行為之分析:離散元素 電腦模擬、擬三維實驗驗證與流場優化機制 (兩年期) 2018-08-01 ~
科技部 1210000
計畫主持人 鍾雲吉 以離散元素電腦模擬與選擇性雷射燒結實驗探討3D列印產品之力學與變 形行為 (兩年期) 2018-08-01 ~
科技部 1102000
計畫主持人 鍾雲吉 顆粒形狀對顆粒體輸送性質與力學傳遞行為之影響機制:巨觀、中觀與微觀行為之觀測 (II) (兩年期) 2016-08-01 ~
科技部 1388000
共同主持人 鍾雲吉 以實驗及離散元素法分析顆粒體受束制壓力及動態衝擊負載之力學行為 (三年期) 2014-08-01 ~
科技部 1741000

榮譽事蹟 (Honors and Awards)
  (1) 榮獲中央大學103學年度教學優良獎。
(2) 榮獲中央大學103學年度優良導師獎。
(3) 榮獲中央大學104-105學年度教學傑出獎。
(4) 榮獲中央大學106-107學年度教學傑出獎。
(5) 榮獲中央大學107學年度優良導師獎。
(6) 榮獲中央大學108學年度教學優良獎。

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