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李勝隆 教授兼材料所所長 Lee, Sheng-Long
(Campus Extension)
E-mail: shenglon@cc.ncu.edu.tw

論文著作 (Publications)
題目 作者姓名 期刊名稱 出版
Effects of Minor Sc and Zr on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al-4.6Cu-0.3Mg-0.6Ag Alloys Sheng-Long Lee, Chih-Ting Wu, and Yu-De Chen Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 2015 Vol.24,pp.1165-1172
Effect of heat treatment and deformation on the microstructure and mechanical properties of SP-700 titanium alloy Jo-Kuang Nieh, Sheng-Long Lee and Kuen-Sung Pan International Journal of Materials Research 2015 Vol.106,pp.1224-1229
Effects of Cu/Mg Ratio and heat treatment on Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Al-4.6Cu-Mg-0.5Ag Alloys Yu-Te Chen, Guo-Yu Nieh, Jing-Hong Wang, Ten-Fu Wu, and Sheng-Long Lee Materials Chemistry and Physics 2015 Vol.162,pp.764-770
The effect of trace Sc on the quench sensitivity of Al-7Si-0.6Mg alloys Yu-Chih Tzeng, Chih-Ting Wu, Sheng-Long Lee Materials Letters 2015 Vol.161,pp.340–342
A study on the corrosion and erosion behavior of electroless nickeland TiAlN/ZrN duplex coatings on ductile iron Chung-Kwei Lin, Cheng-Hsun Hsu, Yin-Hwa Cheng, Keng-Liang Ouc, Sheng-Long Lee Applied Surface Science 2015 Vol.324, pp.13-19
Diameter selective behavior of human nasal epithelial cell on Ag-coated TiO2 nanotubes Ming-Ying Lan, Sheng-Long Lee, Her-Hsiung Huang, Po-Fan Chen, Chia-Pei Liu, Sheng-Wei Lee Ceramics International 2014 Vol.40,pp.4745–4751
Effects of trace Be and Sc addition on the thermal stability of Al-7Si-0.6Mg alloys Yu-Chih Tzeng, Chih-Ting Wu, Cheng-Hsien Yang, Sheng-Long Lee Materials Science & Engineering A 2014 Vol.614,pp.54–61
Effects of Scandium Addition on Iron-bearing phases and Tensile Properties of Al-7Si-0.6Mg Alloys Yu-Chih Tzeng, Chih-Ting Wu, Hui-Yun Bor, Jain-Long Horng, Mu-Lin Tsai, Sheng-Long Lee Materials Science & Engineering A 2014 Vol.593,pp.103-110
Buckyball-, carbon nanotube-, graphite-, and graphene-enhanced dehydrogenation of lithium aluminum hydride Chih-Ping Hsu, De-hao Jiang, Sheng-Long Lee, Jain-Long Horng, Ming-Der Ger, and Jeng-Kuei Chemical Communications 2013 Vol.49, pp.8845-8847
Effects of Cu Content on Thermal Stability and Wear Behavior of Al-12.5Si-1.0 Mg alloy Wen-Chi Chen, Chih-Ting Wu, Hui-Yun Bor, and Sheng-Long Lee Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 2013 Vol.22, pp.3854-3859

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