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Abstract¡G | |
High-temperature fatigue crack growth (FCG) behavior was investigated for 17-4 PH stainless steels in three heat-treated conditions, namely unaged ¡§Condition A,¡¨ peak-aged ¡§Condition H900,¡¨ and overaged ¡§Condition H1150.¡¨ Baseline FCG behavior was studied at a load ratio of 0.1, a frequency of 2 Hz and temperatures ranging from 300 to 500oC. The fatigue crack growth rates (FCGRs) of Condition H1150 were increased with an increase in temperature from 300 to 500oC. However, for Conditions A and H900 tested at 500oC, the FCGRs were lower than the lower-temperature ones. At 300 and 400oC, H1150 and H900 generally showed the lowest and highest FCGRs, respectively, with Condition A demonstrating behavior between the two. At 500oC, the FCGR curves for all heat-treated conditions merged together. The anomalous FCG behavior of 17-4 PH stainless steels at 500oC was mainly caused by an in-situ overaging and precipitate-coarsening effect during test. The influence of frequency on FCG behavior was investigated at 400 and 500oC with a load ratio of 0.1 and frequencies ranging from 0.002 to 20 Hz. At 500oC, all heat-treated conditions exhibited similar FCG behavior in which no frequency effect was observed at frequencies higher than 2 Hz and the FCGRs increased with decreasing frequency below 2 Hz. The increase in FCGR at a lower frequency at 500oC was thought to be caused by a time-dependent, oxidation-assisted cracking mechanism. At 400oC, for a given heat-treated condition, the FCGRs increased with decreasing frequency at higher frequencies and leveled off at lower frequencies. Such an anomalous FCG behavior was attributable to a dynamic strain aging (DSA) effect. At a given frequency, when the temperature was increased from 400 to 500oC, the FCGR increased in Condition H1150, but decreased in Conditions A and H900 due to the aforementioned in-situ overaging and precipitate-coarsening effect during test. The load ratio effect on FCG behavior was investigated at 400 and 500oC with a frequency of 2 Hz and load ratios ranging from 0.1 to 0.7. The FCGRs increased with load ratio at lower £GK regime and merged together at higher £GK regime for all given heat-treated conditions tested at 400oC, except for Condition H900, in which the FCGRs increased with load ratio for the whole £GK regime. At 500oC, the FCGRs for a given heat-treated condition increased with load ratio at lower load ratios and became comparable at higher load ratios for the whole £GK regime. The variations of FCGR with load ratio could be described as an intrinsic behavior of FCG when analyzed using a Unified Approach. Accordingly, the dominating crack growth mechanism was similar to the general plastic blunting process except for Conditions A and H900 at 400oC at the high load ratio regime, in which the dominating crack growth mechanism was considered as a crystallographic-faceted fracture mode. The variations of FCGR with load ratio for all given testing conditions at 2 Hz could be correlated with a modified fatigue crack driving force parameter, M*£GK. Good correlation results were obtained and the FCGRs at any load ratio for all the given heat-treated 17-4 PH alloys could be predicted by such an M*£GK parameter with the best-fitted relations. |